Type Conversion

Type Conversion

Type conversion is the process of converting a data type into another data type. Implicit type conversion is performed by a Python interpreter only. Explicit type conversion is performed by the user by explicitly using type conversion functions in the program code. Explicit type conversion is also known as typecasting

# file name type_conversion1.py

x: int = 20
y: str = str(x)

Run Code:

python type_conversion1.py

The code returns a string type showing that the variable x was converted to a string type.

Let's try another example:

# file_name - type_conversion2.py

name = "John Doe"
conv_name = int(name)


Run Code:

python type_conversion2.py

The code returns an error ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'John Doe'.

We got the ValueError because the value John Doe is not a valid number therefore converting a string type to a number type is only possible if the string can become a valid number.

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